Magikvanilla Surf School - Terms and conditions

At Magikvanilla, we want you to have the time of your life. We must ensure that all our students understand some ground rules so everything goes smoothly. Please read the terms and conditions below, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions.


When booking a lesson, multiple lessons, or a surf week course, we make a contract once Magikvanilla confirms it; this confirmation should always be in writing. In the case of late telephone booking, when written/e-mail confirmation is impossible, the agreement is a verbal contract.

- The total amount or, in some cases, a 50% deposit on a lesson, multiple lessons, or a surf week course fee is due when booking.

- All participants must complete a booking form and sign a term of responsibility before participating in any Surf Experience with Magikvanilla (lessons or Week long Surf packs). This form is made either in person or via e-mail.

- Parents or guardians must sign a term of responsibility for participants under 18 years of age.

- We do not accept liability for any loss caused by failure to complete the terms of responsibility/enrolment form.

In the case of a group booking, the person submitting the booking form accepts responsibility for payment for everyone listed on it and ensures that all other persons listed on the booking form are aware of our Terms & Conditions.

- When you book a lesson, multiple lessons, or a surf week course with Magikvanilla through our website, we ask for information such as your name, date of birth, and contacts. We don't share or disclose any data collected during your booking process, and we won't have access to your bank/payment details because they are encrypted.


After you confirm your booking, we'll do everything possible to accommodate any changes you ask for. However, these changes are subject to course dates and instructors' availability.

- If you or anyone in your group cannot participate in a lesson, multiple lessons, or a surf week course, you may transfer the booking to another person. However, please let us know the new person's name and ensure a completed booking form is signed and returned to us before the experience start date.

If your group size has decreased, we must be notified by e-mail to up to 3 weeks (21 days) in advance (before the starting date). If you don't let us know within this time frame, you will be responsible for paying the original booking value.


All cancellations must be sent via e-mail to as soon as possible, and they will be effective on the date that Magikvanilla Surf School receives the notification. 

Refunds for cancellations are as follows:

For fully paid bookings made at least 30 days in advance:

- More than 21 days before the experience start date = 50% refund

- Less than 21 days before the experience start date = no refund.

For bookings made 30 days in advance, with a 50% deposit payment:

- No refunds.

For bookings made less than 21 days before the experience (full payment required)

- No refunds.


- Surfing carries a degree of risk to people and property, even if enjoyed under proper supervision. It requires a reasonable fitness level and a minimum of 50 meters of swimming ability.

When filling out your Magikvanilla booking form, you must notify us of any medical conditions, illnesses, disabilities, allergies, and medication you are taking. For participants under 18 years old, it is the parent or guardian's responsibility to inform us.

Magikvanilla Surf School will provide all equipment required for your surf lessons and take all reasonable measures to ensure its safety and good condition. However, you are responsible for immediately reporting any damage caused to the material or that becomes apparent while in your possession.

- You must not participate in any surfing activities if you are pregnant or if you suffer from a heart condition, injury, or illness that may affect your physical ability.

- You must not be under the influence of any alcohol, illegal drugs, or any medication that may affect your physical or cognitive abilities.

- You must agree to abide by all our instructions and decisions to secure a safe learning environment for yourself and all participants.

- Magikvanilla is not liable for any personal injury, loss, damage, consequential loss, or third-party claims that occur due to events beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of third parties, acts of God, or unforeseen circumstances.


The minimum age limit is 12, and we cannot permit anyone under this age to participate in a group lesson.

- We can offer private coaching to children aged sixteen or under, providing that a parent or guardian is with the child throughout the lesson.

- The parent or guardian may choose to participate in the experience if they wish or wait at the beach.

- We reserve the right to refuse tuition if no visible arrangements are made.


- If we consider sea or weather conditions dangerous for surf instruction, we will cancel the lessons and do everything we can to reschedule your lesson. If this is not possible, we will issue you a credit voucher that you can redeem until the end of the following season.

- Surf lessons run from Sunday to Friday.  If a participant cancels a surf lesson, Magikvanilla is not obliged to compensate with an extra session.


Magikvanilla attempts to promote the services offered through its channels or partners through ads, brochures, flyers, websites, and other communication forms. We accept no liability for errors, omissions, or discrepancies between the content of third-party brochures or websites and our service.

- We may use any likeness or image of you secured or taken on any of our courses or surf experiences without charge in all media for legitimate promotional or marketing purposes, including promotional materials of any kind, such as brochures, leaflets, videos, ads, or social media. Please let us know before your course if you prefer us to avoid using your image on any promotional materials.

All prices are accurate at publication, and Magikvanilla reserves the right to increase or reduce any of these prices after release.



Each participant is responsible for their behavior. Any damage caused to our property or disregard for conduct rules is a motive for removal from the lesson(s)/course or cancellation without a refund. There may also be a charge for loss, cost of goods, property, or equipment. Magikvanilla can invite participants to leave the surf Lesson(s) for unacceptable behavior.